The Stone Ridge girls that go to the Spanish Catholic Center for Social Action were ready to work the day that I recorded them. When we filed into the cramped room to begin our work, I was amazed at the genuine kindness of the employees. They really cared about how the Stone Ridge girls were doing, and about their cause. Our first job was to sort vegetables. We sorted the vegetables that could be eaten from the vegetables that were way past their expiration date. After sorting, we started an assembly line to pack all the food into different plastic bags to give to the people in need. We ended up making over 100 bags! What really stood out to me was not only the quantity of bags that were made, but the fact that I was helping with something that was much bigger and more important than I was. In the small room, I felt connected to the people that were helping pack the bags and carrying the endless supply of food in the room. The girls also know that they are making a huge impact in their community. Michela DeLuca, a junior that helps out at Spanish Catholic Center, says, “When I am handing out the bags to the people in need, even though it is a small gesture, I feel like I am making a huge difference in these people’s lives.” The smallest gestures can make the biggest difference.
Spanish Catholic Center