The Campus Ministry Board has honored a commitment to serve at Shepherd’s Table every third Saturday of the month during the school year for over 15 years. On that Saturday evening, we go as a group to prepare and serve dinner to over 100 (sometimes over 150) clients. There are many popular jobs such as chopping fruits and vegetables, setting up beautiful, delicious dessert trays, serving entrees, mopping floors, and dishes. It’s a very rewarding experience, especially when the clients show their appreciation by thanking students personally. We work hard but by the end of the evening everyone leaves with a smile.
If you would like to participate in this service event, look out for announcements and e-mails closer to the third Saturday of each month. The upperclassmen on the Campus Ministry Board would be delighted to give you a ride to Silver Spring, or you can ask your parents to drop you off directly at Shepherd’s Table. It is a wonderful opportunity to make up Social Action hours or to simply give back to the Montgomery County community.