On Saturday February 19th, Nikki Casale and Hannah Greene, co-leaders of the SCG Habitat for Humanity, led 11 girls to Ivy City in NE DC to work on a Habitat build. Accompanied by Mr. Kevin Duffy, they split up into two different groups working on two different houses in the neighborhood. In both houses, the girls caulked rooms, sanded walls, and installed doors and window sills. Afterwards, the group remarked that their experience was enjoyable because they know that the future owners of the house will appreciate their hard work and dedication in the near future. Additionally, because the results were so tangible, it was a satisfying day of work.
When asked about her experience, Hannah Greene ’12 remarked that, “The trip was eye-opening because there was so much drug dealing and drug usage in the surrounding neighborhood. It comforted us to know that our work with Habitat for Humanity was helping to lift up the neighborhood as a whole.”